Please note that we are not responsible for the accuracy or content of any sites linked from our own site, nor for the way in which those linked sites might handle any information that you choose to provide them with. We cannot be responsible or liable for any direct or indirect loss however caused by your use of these linked sites.
These Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law and the English courts shall have jurisdiction over any disputes between us.
The majority of this site may be accessed without your having to provide any personal or identification details whatsoever. However, in order to advise you properly, we must obtain certain information from you about your financial and personal circumstances, to assess the suitability for particular products and services for your needs. If you wish us to provide advice you can telephone us to arrange a meeting, or you will need to register through the secure area of our site, or complete an enquiry form, to provide us with basic personal and contact details, and in some cases further personal data such as health and medical conditions.
By providing us with your personal data:
Anderson Ross is more than just a financial and accounting firm. We have the knowledge and experience to make your life simpler by educating you about your alternatives, relieving the burden of tax assessments, and providing you the flexibility to do what you do best, whatever that is.
We're just a phone call away; tell us about your present circumstances, and we'll help you figure out what measures to take next.
We provide you with a tax-effective solution that allows you to be as creative as possible.
We take care of the tax and accounting headaches so you can focus on what you do best: operating your company.